2021/09/04 17:16
Organic rice flour
10 secrets
有機米粉 10の秘密
Our rice flour and rice flour bread were selected to be cooked and tasted by *JFOODO Top Chefs at **Natural Products Expo West 2020 (Anaheim, USA), the world's largest food exhibition. The bread I started making for my kids has become the world's best exhibition rice flour bread.
The expo in March 2020 has been cancelled to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. However, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to you for your patronage and support in selecting our products.
*JFOODO is a food promotion organization established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
**A record 3,521 exhibitors and 85,540 visitors in 2018
世界最大の食品展示会 *Natural Products Expo West 2020(アメリカ・アナハイム)で、**JFOODOトップシェフによる調理と試食提供に、当店の米粉と米粉パンが選ばれました。わが子のために作りはじめたパンが、世界一の展示会の米粉パンになりました。
Customer's Voice
# Sous-chef at a world-famous four-star hotel
"Good! I'll introduce you to our wholesaler."
# Government food marketer
"The most delicious rice flour bread I've ever had."
# Chef in NY who appeared in movie
"Good and I'm surprised it's made from rice! I've recommended it to my friends."
The bread is made from just organic rice flour, water, and yeast. The reason for the sweetness is that the starch in rice is smaller than in wheat (average size: rice 1.1 μm, wheat 9.8 μm). Amylase, an enzyme within the absorbed starch and in the mouth, breaks down much of the smaller starch into sweet maltose.
Simply mix rice flour, water, and yeast with a spatula for one minute to make bread. With the simplest of ingredients, you can enjoy the true taste of rice. Like steamed rice made with only rice and water, this rice flour bread is safe to eat every day. It is the new staple food of Japan.
Producer Yu said 'In fact, I have always eaten convenience store meals and fast food without a second thought. I had nothing to do with organic food at all. The turning point came with my wife's pregnancy. During pregnancy and after lactation, food continues to build up the child's body. The influence of food is bigger in the small growing body than in the adult body. I thought to myself, "I want my baby to eat safe, delicious and healthy food.". I have gradually incorporated organic foods into our daily meals. Kids who eat up all the food seem to understand the deliciousness of nature. I made rice flour bread for my kids and for four years it was a constant failure. I was too particular about it lol.'
Recipes and videos are now available so that people around the world can make this rice flour bread at home. Enjoy!
*No oil, sugar, salt, additives, wheat flour, eggs, milk, and allergy specific ingredients in Japan
*Vegan friendly
# 世界的有名な四つ星ホテルの副料理長
「いいね! うちの卸を紹介する。」
# 政府の食品マーケター
# 映画出演したNYのオーナーシェフ
Producer Yu 曰く「実は、コンビニの食事やファーストフードを私はいつも何気なく食べていました。オーガニックとは全く無縁の食生活です。転機は妻の妊娠でした。妊娠中や授乳期以降も、食は子どもの体をつくり続けます。食の影響は、大人の体よりも、育ち盛りの小さな体の方が大きいです。『赤ちゃんに安心でおいしくて健康になるものを食べさせたい』想いが湧いてきました。毎日の食卓に有機食品を、少しずつ取り入れてきました。ペロリと完食する子どもは、自然のおいしさをわかっているようです。子供のために米粉パンを作り、4年間は失敗ばかりでした。こだわりすぎました笑。」
Every year, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries commissions the Japan Grain Inspection Association to conduct a taste test for rice. A rice cultivar Akikomachi grown in Akita Prefecture, which has been awarded the highest rating of "Special A" in these tests 14 times since 1996. This rice, grown exclusively for organic rice flour, is used in our products.
In order to make fresh and delicious rice flour, organic brown rice is polished into white rice for each order before grinding. This process prevents the oxidation of the fat in the rice and preserves its flavor. Because of this polishing process, organic rice flour can be labeled as "Ingredients: organic brown rice". Simply, inside the bag with the product name "organic rice flour" is organic white rice flour. The inside of the bag with the product name "Organic brown rice flour" is organic brown rice flour.
3. 食味試験「最高ランクの米」
The development of our rice flour miraculously succeeded after four years. We have tried and tested rice flour for traditional Japanese sweets and the airflow milling developed by Niigata Prefecture in 2008. Our rice flour is all-purposes flour, 20 μm fine like wheat flour.
(Cooking video by JFOODO and JETRO in which we participate.)
In the past, with only good rice, water and yeast, the bread did not rise and became like rice cakes. There are many reasons for this. For example, there is less amylose in the starch of rice. Glutinous rice has no amylose in its starch. On the other hand, if there is a lot of amylose, the rice will be dry and not sweet, resulting in a lower rank rice. Because rice is harder than wheat, the starch is damaged when it is ground into small pieces like wheat flour. When bread is made with this flour, it contains too much water and does not rise. Since rice does not contain gluten, it cannot maintain the air bubbles that rise in the bread.
Rice flour is more expensive than wheat flour, but it has its own value. Rice does not contain gluten, *an allergic substance. Just by switching your regular cooking to rice flour, you can reduce 44% of the oil that wheat flour absorbs (**Oil absorption rate: rice flour 21%, wheat flour 35%). Rice contains 1.5 times better balance of essential amino acids (***Essential amino acid score: rice 65, wheat 41). About 20% of the body is a protein of 20 amino acids. Nine of them are called essential amino acids, which cannot be synthesized in the body and must be obtained from food.
*Our rice flour is packaged in the same facilities as products containing wheat, buckwheat, soybeans, and yams.
**Proteins and Amino Acids in Foods. Science and Technology Agency, Resources Research Office. 1986
***Oil uptake properties of fried batters from rice flour. F Shih et al. J Agric Food Chem. 1999
**食品のたんぱく質とアミノ酸. 科学技術庁資源調査所 1986
***Oil uptake properties of fried batters from rice flour. F Shih et al. J Agric Food Chem. 1999
The organic certification mark is displayed on this rice flour package. This is because the rice flour has been grown, milled, and inspected by the government in accordance with the JAS organic system, which is an international standard *CODEX for environmental protection. This rice flour is produced in a sustainable manner with reduced environmental impact. We are Japanese organic supporter of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
Japan is aiming to **expand 25% of its farmland to organic by 2050 and the EU by 2030. The U.S. is aiming to reduce its environmental footprint by ***half by 2050. Governments are stepping up their response to the environment. Organic food is popular with a 10% increase over the previous year at ****106 billion EUR in the 2019 Global Market Statistics (published in 2021).
Key points of organic rice flour production method
- In principle, do not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides for at least two years before sowing or planting, and during cultivation.
- Do not use genetically modified seeds or technologies.
- Avoid the use of chemically synthesized additives and chemicals as much as possible.
- Manufacture in factories controlled to prevent contamination by chemicals.
*An organic food standard jointly created by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and WHO (World Health Organization).
**Strategy for Sustainable Food Systems, MeaDRI. MAFF. 2021/5, A Farm to Fork Strategy. EU. 2020/5
***Agriculture Innovation Agenda. USDA. 2020/2
****The World of Organic Agriculture 2021. FiBL, IFOAM
6. 安心の「有機認証マーク」
**みどりの食料システム戦略 農林水産省 2021/5, A Farm to Fork Strategy. EU. 2020/5
***Agriculture Innovation Agenda. USDA. 2020/2
****The World of Organic Agriculture 2021. FiBL, IFOAM
In order to enhance the safety of rice flour, our manufacturing facilities have acquired ISO 22000 certification, which is set by ISO (International Organization for Standardization).
Based on ISO 22000, we are continuously improving the management system of our facilities, clarifying the rules and procedures of our work, and unifying the quality standards of our rice flour. ISO 22000 is also based on Japan's HACCP support method, which aims to ensure thorough control of food safety and quality.
HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards, such as viruses and metal contamination, from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product.
This organic rice was cultivated without pesticides. Pesticide-free cultivated the rice contains all of the probiotics in a natural state. Joint FAO/WHO working group define *probiotics as ʻLive microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the hostʼ
There are about 1,000 kinds of bacteria in the intestines, numbering 100 trillion. It is important to increase the number of probiotics in the intestines for the health of the body. You can increase the number of probiotics in your intestines by eating this rice flour.
*Joint FAO/WHO Working Group. Guidelines for the Evaluation of Probiotics in Food. 2002.
*Joint FAO/WHO Working Group. Guidelines for the Evaluation of Probiotics in Food. 2002.
Rice is *the only crop in Japan that is 100% self-sufficient. Rice consumption is on the decline, and Japan's calorie-based food self-sufficiency rate for 2019 is 38%. If everyone in Japan eats about one loaf of rice flour bread (230g of rice flour) every month, **the self-sufficiency rate can be increased by 1%. We are a partner in promoting Nippon Food Shift, a program established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
This rice flour is the first "made in Japan" organic rice flour brand in New York, which was launched in New York to deliver it to the next generation and the world.
*Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries aff. 2012/5.
**Junior Annual Report on agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Japan. 2019.
お米は日本で100%自給できる*唯一の作物です。お米の消費量は減少傾向です。2019年のカロリーベース食料自給率は38%です。日本の皆さまが毎月米粉パン約1斤(米粉230g)を食べると**自給率1%アップできます。当店は農林水産省創設のNippon Food Shift推進パートナーです。
この米粉は、次世代と世界へ届けるために、ニューヨークから販売開始したNY初 "made in Japan" の有機米粉ブランドです。
*農林水産省aff 2012/5
**ジュニア農林水産白書 2019
Since mass production is not possible, the combined production of organic rice flour and organic brown rice flour is about 2000 kg (equivalent to 9000 loaves of rice flour bread) per year.
For customers who want to continue eating delicious and safe food, we sell our products through a regular delivery service where you don't have to worry about inventory.
Please try this rice flour first. If you are not satisfied in any way, we will respectfully refund your money, regardless of the reason, even after you have eaten all the rice flour or before opening the package. You can contact us at any time with "CONTACT" in the menu icon. If you are satisfied with the product, you may continue with the regular service. Only the first purchase in Japan comes with this satisfaction guarantee.
Tap "Add to cart" now!
10. 「満足保証付」限定生産2000kg